Dietitians Week 2022 – Aged Care

Dietitians Week 2022 – Aged Care
The natural impacts of aging along with existing medical conditions places older people at a greater risk of nutrition deficiency. Malnutrition maybe commencing right in front of you at home – to you or your loved ones.
It can start with losing interest in food, lack of appetite, feeling sad and isolated, finding it hard to swallow and perhaps coughing when eating or drinking. Malnutrition is preventable and we all have a part to play in looking out for each other as we age.
Dietitians work with individuals and their family, food companies and care services to create a positive mealtime experience with a nourishing menu to meet nutritional needs, allowing you to be healthy & happy in your home.
Dietitians promote a food first approach and there are increasingly more options for obtaining the right food to ease the burden of shopping and cooking, including: Nutriloops™ – texture-modified, nutrient-dense biscuits Care Food Co. texture-modified ready-meals